Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bye bye Window$

Today finally came. The day I actually dumped Windows for good! My new laptop fell in love with Linux in all aspects.

I sold my older Dell D600, which came with Windows XP Professional, and for several times, I tried to get an extra hard drive loaded with several different flavors of Linux at different times. There was always a problem, the lack of that crucial driver(varies from distro to distro) or that software to do this that conflicts with the one that do that... I'm being trying to go Linux full-time for more then 5 years, but there was always something bothering me..

I got my new laptop (IBM ThinkPad Z61m) 3 days ago, and with it, I also bought an used 60GB SATA 2.5" HD. The machine came loaded with Vista Business, but I had to give Linux a shot again, otherwise I would be feeling guilty for as long as I owned the ThinkPad. My favorite flavor of Linux is by far Ubuntu. I like Debian, but Ubuntu has the bells and whistles of a desktop distro. So I went online and downloaded Ubuntu 7.04.

I replaced the original HD with the 60GB, booted the LiveCD and started the installation, it toke about 10 minutes and it was done, rebooted and done. For my surprise, everything works. Audio, WiFi, CD/DVD burning, Suspend to RAM, screen resolution, SpeedStep. I was happy, but in the back of my mind I knew that something would go wrong soon.

A-HA! The desktop effects won't work and.... errr.... it works.... yuhuuu!!

OK, my skepticism started to fade, and after every system change, preference setting and software install, the stubborn system kept going, and going...

Today I added the final piece of the puzzle, my portable Logitech Notebook WebCam. and it work with AMSN right of the case.


I have a full time running computer.

I am a happy user.

Bye bye Micro$oft!

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